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Smile Perfections

Smile Perfections Dental & Cosmetic Clinic

  • 34 Harborough Road
  • Leicester
  • LE2 4LA
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Six Month Smiles® is a modern brace solution that offers patients successful teeth straightening treatment. The brace is designed to correct mild orthodontic conditions and provide the user with straighter looking teeth in just six months.

Designed to be discreet, fast-acting and effective, Six Month Smiles® promote healthier teeth in terms of both function and appearance.

The Six Month Smiles® treatment is an innovative and cost-effective alternative to traditional fixed braces. By maximising the potential of brace materials and function an aesthetically pleasing outcome is achieved in the shortest period of time.

At Smile Perfections, we provide Six Month Smiles® to our patients for the treatment of crooked, irregularly spaced or misaligned teeth. If patients require a small degree of transformation in a short space of time for a special event, such as a birthday, graduation ceremony or wedding, Six Month Smiles® is able to provide quick and effective results.

Six Month Smiles® Treatment

Comprised of transparent brackets and tooth-coloured wires Six Month Smiles® braces are custom-made to meet the orthodontic needs of the individual. Our certified dentist uses the Six Month Smiles® assessment tool to evaluate each individual’s suitability for treatment and will advise on treatment procedure, duration, benefits, risks and costs.

Six Month Smiles® is made to improve oral hygiene and provide comfort during the teeth alignment process. The clear brackets and tooth coloured, nickel-titanium wires allow individuals to undergo discreet treatment. Once teeth are repositioned, a retainer is often worn to keep the teeth in their new position and to prevent relapse.

During treatment, patients are able to maintain normal nutrition and maintain oral hygiene care. The design of the brace does not interfere with speech. The clinician provides guidance on cleaning and maintaining the device and also monitors tooth movement progress.


SIX MONTH SMILES LEICESTER – Frequently Asked Questions

What are Six Month Smiles and how do they differ from traditional braces?

Six Month Smiles: An overview

Six Month Smiles is an innovative orthodontic treatment designed to straighten teeth quickly and discreetly. This short-term orthodontic solution focuses primarily on improving the appearance of the front teeth, which are most visible when smiling.

Cosmetic orthodontics

Unlike comprehensive orthodontic treatments, Six Month Smiles prioritises the aesthetic alignment of teeth in the “smile zone”, making it an excellent choice for adults seeking quick cosmetic improvements.

Abbreviated treatment time

As the name suggests, the average treatment duration is around six months, significantly shorter than traditional braces which typically require 18-24 months or more.

Six Month Smiles components

While Six Month Smiles utilises similar components to traditional braces, there are key differences in their design and application.

Tooth-coloured brackets

The brackets used in Six Month Smiles are made of clear materials, making them less noticeable than metal brackets used in traditional braces.

Nickel-titanium wires

These specialised wires are designed to apply gentle, constant force to move teeth more efficiently, contributing to the shorter treatment time.

Treatment focus of Six Month Smiles

The Six Month Smiles system has a specific treatment focus that sets it apart from traditional orthodontics.

Anterior teeth alignment

This treatment primarily targets the front teeth, which are most visible when smiling, speaking, or laughing. The focus is on improving aesthetics rather than addressing complex bite issues.

Minor to moderate misalignment

Six Month Smiles is particularly effective for correcting minor to moderate crowding, spacing, or misalignment issues in the front teeth.

Differences from traditional braces

Several key factors distinguish Six Month Smiles from conventional orthodontic treatments.

Treatment duration

Traditional braces often require 18-24 months or more, while Six Month Smiles typically achieves desired results in about 6 months.

Aesthetic appeal

The clear brackets and tooth-coloured wires used in Six Month Smiles are far less noticeable than traditional metal braces, making them a more discreet option for adults.

Six Month Smiles technology

The efficiency of Six Month Smiles is attributed to its advanced technology and treatment approach.

Low force mechanics

Six Month Smiles uses lower forces to move teeth compared to traditional braces, which can result in a more comfortable experience for patients.

Customised treatment planning

Each Six Month Smiles treatment plan is tailored to the individual patient using advanced computer modelling and custom-fabricated archwires.

Limitations of Six Month Smiles

While Six Month Smiles offers numerous advantages, it’s important to understand its limitations compared to traditional braces.

Scope of correction

Six Month Smiles is not designed to address severe malocclusions or bite issues that require comprehensive orthodontic treatment.

Long-term stability

As with any orthodontic treatment, retainers are crucial for maintaining results. However, the focused nature of Six Month Smiles may require more diligent retention practices.

Six Month Smiles represents a modern approach to orthodontics, offering a faster, more aesthetically pleasing alternative to traditional braces for adults seeking to improve their smile. While it may not be suitable for all orthodontic issues, it provides an effective solution for many patients looking to enhance the appearance of their front teeth in a relatively short time frame. As with any dental treatment, it’s essential to consult with a qualified dentist to determine if Six Month Smiles is the right choice for your specific needs and goals.

Am I a suitable candidate for Six Month Smiles treatment?

Ideal candidates for Six Month Smiles

Six Month Smiles is designed for adults seeking to improve the appearance of their smile quickly and discreetly. While not everyone is a suitable candidate, many individuals can benefit from this innovative orthodontic treatment.

Age requirements

Six Month Smiles is typically recommended for adults and older teenagers with fully developed permanent teeth. The treatment is particularly popular among those aged 16 and above.

Cosmetic concerns

Patients primarily interested in enhancing the aesthetics of their smile, rather than addressing complex bite issues, are often excellent candidates for Six Month Smiles.

Orthodontic issues suitable for Six Month Smiles

This treatment is effective for correcting a range of mild to moderate orthodontic problems, particularly those affecting the front teeth.


Six Month Smiles can effectively address mild to moderate crowding of the anterior teeth, helping to create a more aligned and aesthetically pleasing smile.


Gaps between teeth, especially in the front of the mouth, can often be corrected using the Six Month Smiles system.

Limitations of Six Month Smiles candidacy

While Six Month Smiles is versatile, it’s not suitable for all orthodontic issues. Understanding these limitations is crucial in determining candidacy.

Severe malocclusions

Patients with significant bite problems or severely misaligned teeth may require more comprehensive orthodontic treatment and might not be ideal candidates for Six Month Smiles.

Posterior teeth alignment

As Six Month Smiles focuses primarily on the front teeth, those needing extensive correction of back teeth alignment may need to consider alternative treatments.

Oral health prerequisites for Six Month Smiles

Good oral health is essential for successful orthodontic treatment, including Six Month Smiles.

Periodontal health

Candidates should have healthy gums free from periodontal disease. Any existing gum issues should be addressed before beginning treatment.

Dental decay

Teeth should be free from active decay. Any cavities or other dental problems should be treated prior to starting Six Month Smiles.

Lifestyle considerations for Six Month Smiles candidates

Certain lifestyle factors can impact the suitability and success of Six Month Smiles treatment.

Commitment to oral hygiene

Candidates must be willing and able to maintain excellent oral hygiene throughout the treatment process, as braces can make cleaning more challenging.

Compliance with treatment guidelines

Successful outcomes depend on following your dentist’s instructions, including wearing elastics if prescribed and attending regular adjustment appointments.

Assessing candidacy for Six Month Smiles

Determining whether you’re a suitable candidate for Six Month Smiles involves a thorough evaluation by a qualified dentist.

Comprehensive dental examination

Your dentist will conduct a detailed assessment of your teeth, gums, and overall oral health to determine if Six Month Smiles is appropriate for your needs.

Treatment goals discussion

A crucial part of the assessment involves discussing your smile goals and expectations to ensure Six Month Smiles aligns with your desired outcomes.

While Six Month Smiles offers an excellent solution for many adults seeking to improve their smile, it’s not universally suitable for everyone. The best way to determine if you’re a good candidate is to consult with a dentist experienced in providing Six Month Smiles treatment. They can assess your individual case, discuss your goals, and recommend the most appropriate treatment option for achieving your desired smile.

How long does the Six Month Smiles treatment actually take?

Average treatment duration for Six Month Smiles

While the name suggests a six-month timeline, the actual duration of Six Month Smiles treatment can vary depending on individual cases. However, it generally offers a significantly shorter treatment time compared to traditional orthodontics.

Typical timeframe

For most patients, Six Month Smiles treatment is completed within 4 to 9 months, with the average being around 6 months.

Rapid results

The focused approach of Six Month Smiles, targeting primarily the front teeth, allows for quicker visible improvements compared to comprehensive orthodontic treatments.

Factors influencing Six Month Smiles treatment length

Several factors can affect the duration of your Six Month Smiles treatment, making it shorter or longer than the average timeframe.

Initial misalignment severity

The extent of your teeth’s misalignment at the start of treatment plays a significant role in determining how long the process will take.

Treatment goals

Your specific smile objectives and the degree of correction desired can impact the overall treatment duration.

Six Month Smiles treatment phases

Understanding the different phases of Six Month Smiles treatment can provide insight into the overall timeline.

Initial consultation

This crucial first step involves a comprehensive examination, treatment planning, and taking impressions for your custom Six Month Smiles brackets and wires.

Active alignment phase

This is the main treatment period where your teeth are gradually moved into their desired positions using the Six Month Smiles system.

Monitoring progress during Six Month Smiles treatment

Regular check-ups are essential for tracking your progress and ensuring your treatment stays on schedule.

Adjustment appointments

Typically, patients visit their dentist every 4-5 weeks for adjustments and progress checks throughout the Six Month Smiles treatment.

Treatment milestones

Your dentist will assess specific milestones during your treatment to determine if any modifications to the treatment plan or duration are necessary.

Potential factors extending Six Month Smiles treatment

In some cases, treatment may take longer than initially estimated due to various factors.

Compliance issues

Failing to follow your dentist’s instructions, such as not wearing elastics as directed, can potentially extend your treatment time.

Unexpected tooth movements

Sometimes teeth may not move as predicted, requiring additional time or adjustments to achieve the desired results.

Post-treatment phase of Six Month Smiles

It’s important to note that the end of active treatment doesn’t mark the absolute end of your orthodontic journey.

Retention period

After your Six Month Smiles treatment is complete, you’ll need to wear retainers to maintain your new smile. This phase is crucial for long-term success.

Follow-up appointments

Your dentist will schedule periodic check-ups to ensure your teeth remain in their new positions and address any concerns promptly.

While Six Month Smiles often lives up to its name in terms of treatment duration, it’s essential to approach the timeline with realistic expectations. Your dentist will provide a more accurate estimate based on your specific case during your initial consultation. Remember, the goal is not just speed, but achieving a beautiful, healthy smile that lasts. By following your treatment plan diligently and maintaining good oral hygiene, you can help ensure your Six Month Smiles treatment progresses as efficiently as possible.

Are Six Month Smiles visible when I smile?

Six Month Smiles aesthetic design

Six Month Smiles is designed with aesthetics in mind, offering a more discreet orthodontic option compared to traditional metal braces. While not entirely invisible, these braces are significantly less noticeable.

Clear brackets

The brackets used in Six Month Smiles are made from a clear, tooth-coloured material that blends with your natural tooth shade.

Tooth-coloured wires

Unlike the metallic wires used in conventional braces, Six Month Smiles utilises wires that are coated to match the colour of your teeth, further reducing their visibility.

Visibility factors of Six Month Smiles

Several factors influence how noticeable Six Month Smiles may be when you smile or speak.

Lighting conditions

In natural daylight, Six Month Smiles are less visible than in bright, direct lighting situations such as flash photography or under strong artificial lights.

Viewing distance

From a conversational distance, Six Month Smiles are typically difficult to detect. However, they may become more noticeable upon closer inspection.

Comparing Six Month Smiles visibility

To understand the visibility of Six Month Smiles, it’s helpful to compare them with other orthodontic options.

Traditional metal braces

Six Month Smiles are significantly less visible than conventional metal braces, which feature prominent silver brackets and wires.

Clear aligners

While clear aligner systems like Invisalign may be less noticeable, Six Month Smiles offer a discreet fixed brace option for those who aren’t suitable for removable aligners.

Six Month Smiles placement and visibility

The strategic placement of Six Month Smiles components can impact their visibility when you smile.

Anterior focus

As Six Month Smiles primarily target the front teeth, the brackets and wires are concentrated in the most visible area of your smile. However, their tooth-coloured design helps mitigate this.

Customised positioning

Your dentist will carefully position each bracket to optimise both treatment effectiveness and aesthetic appearance.

Maintaining discretion with Six Month Smiles

There are steps you can take to further minimise the visibility of your Six Month Smiles during treatment.

Oral hygiene

Maintaining excellent oral hygiene helps prevent staining of the clear brackets and wires, keeping them as inconspicuous as possible.

Lipstick choices

For those who wear lipstick, opting for lighter shades can help reduce contrast and make the braces less noticeable.

Patient perspectives on Six Month Smiles visibility

Many patients find that the aesthetic benefits of Six Month Smiles outweigh any concerns about visibility during treatment.

Initial adjustment period

Most patients report feeling self-conscious about their Six Month Smiles for only a short period at the beginning of treatment, quickly becoming comfortable with their appearance.

Positive feedback

Many Six Month Smiles patients are pleasantly surprised by how inconspicuous their braces are, often receiving comments from friends and colleagues who hadn’t noticed them.

While Six Month Smiles are not completely invisible, they offer a significantly more discreet orthodontic option compared to traditional braces. Their innovative design, using clear brackets and tooth-coloured wires, allows you to undergo treatment without drawing undue attention to your smile. Most patients find that the minor visibility of Six Month Smiles is a small trade-off for achieving a beautifully aligned smile in a relatively short time frame. If you have concerns about the appearance of Six Month Smiles, discussing them with your dentist can help you make an informed decision about whether this treatment is right for you.

How much do Six Month Smiles cost in the UK?

Average cost range for Six Month Smiles

The cost of Six Month Smiles treatment in the UK can vary depending on several factors. However, there is a general price range that potential patients can expect.

Typical price bracket

On average, Six Month Smiles treatment in the UK costs between £2,500 and £3,500. This price range covers the entire treatment process for most straightforward cases.

Regional price variations

Costs may differ based on your location within the UK. Generally, dental treatments, including Six Month Smiles, tend to be more expensive in London and the South East compared to other regions.

Factors influencing Six Month Smiles pricing

Several elements can affect the final cost of your Six Month Smiles treatment, potentially pushing it towards the higher or lower end of the average range.

Complexity of case

More complicated orthodontic issues may require longer treatment times or additional procedures, which can increase the overall cost of Six Month Smiles therapy.

Dentist’s experience

Highly experienced dentists or those with specialised training in Six Month Smiles may charge more for their services, reflecting their expertise and skill level.

Breakdown of Six Month Smiles costs

Understanding what’s included in the price of Six Month Smiles can help you better evaluate the overall value of the treatment.

Initial consultation

Many dentists offer a free initial consultation for Six Month Smiles, but some may charge a fee that is then deducted from the total treatment cost if you proceed.

Treatment materials

The cost typically includes all necessary materials such as the custom-made brackets, wires, and any additional orthodontic appliances required for your specific case.

Additional costs to consider with Six Month Smiles

Beyond the base treatment cost, there may be extra expenses associated with your Six Month Smiles journey.


After completing your Six Month Smiles treatment, you’ll need retainers to maintain your new smile. These may be included in the initial price or charged separately, typically costing between £100 and £300.

Aftercare appointments

Some dentists include follow-up appointments in their Six Month Smiles package, while others may charge separately for these visits.

Payment options for Six Month Smiles

Many dental practices offer flexible payment plans to make Six Month Smiles more accessible to a wider range of patients.

Monthly instalments

Some dentists provide the option to spread the cost of Six Month Smiles over several months, often with 0% interest for a specified period.

Dental finance

Third-party finance options may be available, allowing you to pay for your Six Month Smiles treatment over an extended period, subject to credit approval.

Comparing Six Month Smiles costs

To fully appreciate the value of Six Month Smiles, it’s helpful to compare its cost with other orthodontic treatments available in the UK.

Traditional braces

Six Month Smiles often costs less than conventional metal braces, which can range from £2,000 to £6,000 for a full course of treatment.

Clear aligner systems

Compared to popular clear aligner treatments like Invisalign, which can cost between £3,500 and £5,500, Six Month Smiles is often a more affordable option for suitable cases.

When considering the cost of Six Month Smiles, it’s important to weigh the investment against the potential benefits of a straighter, more confident smile. While the upfront cost may seem significant, many patients find that the relatively quick treatment time and aesthetic advantages of Six Month Smiles offer excellent value for money. Always discuss all costs and payment options with your dentist before beginning treatment to ensure you have a clear understanding of the financial commitment involved.

Will Six Month Smiles affect my speech or eating habits?

Initial adjustment period for Six Month Smiles

As with any orthodontic treatment, Six Month Smiles may require a brief period of adjustment for your speech and eating habits. However, most patients find that any changes are minimal and temporary.

Speech adaptation

Some patients may experience a slight lisp or difficulty pronouncing certain sounds during the first few days of wearing Six Month Smiles. This is typically short-lived as your tongue adjusts to the presence of the brackets and wires.

Muscle memory

Your mouth will quickly develop new muscle memory to accommodate the Six Month Smiles appliances, usually leading to normal speech within a week or two.

Impact of Six Month Smiles on speech

While there may be some initial changes to your speech, these are generally minor and resolve quickly.

Sibilant sounds

You might notice slight changes when pronouncing ‘s’ or ‘sh’ sounds at first. This is due to the altered airflow around your teeth and the presence of the Six Month Smiles brackets.

Clear speech techniques

Your dentist can provide tips on how to practice clear speech with your new Six Month Smiles, such as speaking slowly and enunciating clearly until you adjust.

Eating with Six Month Smiles

Six Month Smiles may require some modifications to your eating habits, but these are generally manageable and less restrictive than with traditional braces.

Food restrictions

You’ll need to avoid very hard, sticky, or chewy foods that could damage the brackets or wires of your Six Month Smiles. This includes items like toffee, hard sweets, and whole apples.

Cutting technique

Learning to cut your food into smaller, more manageable pieces can help you eat comfortably with Six Month Smiles without putting undue stress on the appliances.

Oral hygiene considerations with Six Month Smiles

Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial during Six Month Smiles treatment and may slightly impact your eating habits.

Post-meal cleaning

You’ll need to brush your teeth after each meal to remove any food particles that may get trapped in your Six Month Smiles brackets. This might influence your eating schedule or locations.

Interdental cleaning

Using interdental brushes or floss threaders to clean between teeth and around Six Month Smiles wires becomes an important part of your oral care routine.

Comfort levels while eating with Six Month Smiles

Some patients may experience mild discomfort while eating, particularly in the early stages of treatment or after adjustments.

Temporary sensitivity

Your teeth may feel slightly sensitive for a day or two after each Six Month Smiles adjustment. During these times, softer foods may be more comfortable to eat.

Gradual adaptation

As treatment progresses, most patients find that any initial discomfort while eating subsides, and they can enjoy most of their favourite foods without issue.

Long-term effects of Six Month Smiles on speech and eating

Once treatment is complete, patients typically find that their speech and eating habits return to normal, often with improvements due to better tooth alignment.

Improved bite function

Many patients report enhanced chewing ability and overall oral comfort after completing Six Month Smiles treatment, due to improved teeth alignment.

Speech clarity

Some individuals may notice improved clarity in their speech post-treatment, particularly if they had alignment issues that previously affected their articulation.

While Six Month Smiles may cause some temporary changes to your speech and eating habits, these effects are generally minor and short-lived. Most patients find that the benefits of a straighter, healthier smile far outweigh any temporary adjustments required during treatment. By following your dentist’s advice and being patient during the initial adaptation period, you can ensure a smooth and comfortable Six Month Smiles experience with minimal disruption to your daily life.

How often will I need to visit the dentist during Six Month Smiles treatment?

Typical appointment frequency for Six Month Smiles

During Six Month Smiles treatment, regular dental visits are essential to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments. The frequency of these appointments is designed to ensure optimal results within the shortened treatment timeframe.

Monthly check-ups

Most patients undergoing Six Month Smiles treatment will need to visit their dentist approximately every 4-6 weeks. These regular appointments allow for close monitoring of tooth movement and timely adjustments.

Treatment duration impact

The compressed treatment time of Six Month Smiles necessitates more frequent visits compared to traditional orthodontics, which may only require bi-monthly check-ups.

Initial Six Month Smiles appointments

The beginning of your Six Month Smiles journey involves several important appointments to set the foundation for your treatment.

Consultation and planning

Your first visit will involve a thorough examination, discussion of treatment goals, and creation of a customised treatment plan for your Six Month Smiles therapy.

Fitting appointment

Once your custom Six Month Smiles brackets and wires are ready, you’ll have an appointment for their placement, which may take longer than subsequent visits.

Routine Six Month Smiles adjustment visits

Regular adjustment appointments are crucial for the success of your Six Month Smiles treatment.

Wire changes

During these visits, your dentist may change the archwire to continue guiding your teeth into their desired positions. This process is central to the Six Month Smiles technique.

Progress assessment

Each appointment includes a thorough evaluation of your progress, ensuring your Six Month Smiles treatment is on track and making any necessary modifications to your treatment plan.

Potential additional Six Month Smiles visits

While most patients adhere to the standard appointment schedule, there may be instances where extra visits are necessary.

Emergency appointments

If you experience any issues with your Six Month Smiles appliances, such as a loose bracket or poking wire, you may need to schedule an emergency visit for repairs.

Mid-treatment refinements

In some cases, your dentist might request additional appointments to make refinements to your Six Month Smiles treatment plan if your teeth aren’t moving as expected.

Final stages of Six Month Smiles treatment

As you approach the end of your Six Month Smiles journey, the nature and frequency of your appointments may change.

Pre-removal assessment

A few weeks before your anticipated treatment completion, your dentist will evaluate whether your teeth have achieved the desired alignment and if you’re ready for Six Month Smiles removal.

Removal and retention

Your final Six Month Smiles appointment will involve removing the brackets and wires, followed by fitting you with retainers to maintain your new smile.

Post-treatment Six Month Smiles care

After completing your Six Month Smiles treatment, you’ll still need to visit your dentist for follow-up care.

Retention check-ups

Your dentist will schedule periodic appointments to ensure your teeth are maintaining their new positions and that your retainers are functioning properly.

Long-term monitoring

Regular dental check-ups will continue to be important to monitor the stability of your Six Month Smiles results and overall oral health.

The frequency of dental visits during Six Month Smiles treatment is designed to ensure efficient and effective tooth movement within a compressed timeframe. While the monthly appointments may seem frequent, they are crucial for achieving the desired results in such a short period. By attending all scheduled appointments and following your dentist’s instructions, you can help ensure your Six Month Smiles treatment progresses smoothly and yields the best possible outcome for your smile.

Are there any risks or side effects associated with Six Month Smiles?

Common Six Month Smiles side effects

As with any orthodontic treatment, Six Month Smiles may cause some temporary discomfort and minor side effects. These are generally mild and manageable.

Initial adjustment period

Patients may experience mild soreness or pressure on their teeth for a few days after the brackets and wires are fitted or adjusted.

Speech changes

Some individuals might notice a slight lisp or changes in speech patterns, which typically resolve as they adapt to wearing the braces.

Potential risks of Six Month Smiles treatment

While Six Month Smiles is generally considered safe, there are some potential risks to be aware of:

Enamel demineralisation

Poor oral hygiene during treatment can lead to white spots or decay around the brackets, emphasising the importance of thorough cleaning.

Root resorption

In rare cases, the roots of teeth may shorten slightly during orthodontic movement, though this is typically minimal with short-term treatments like Six Month Smiles.

Minimising Six Month Smiles complications

Taking proper precautions can significantly reduce the likelihood of experiencing adverse effects:

Maintain exemplary oral hygiene

Brush thoroughly after meals and use interdental brushes or floss to clean between teeth and around brackets.

Follow dietary guidelines

Avoid hard, sticky, or sugary foods that could damage the braces or increase the risk of decay.

Comparing Six Month Smiles risks to traditional orthodontics

When considering orthodontic options, it’s important to understand how Six Month Smiles compares to other treatments:

Shorter treatment duration

The reduced treatment time of Six Month Smiles may lower the risk of long-term complications associated with prolonged orthodontic wear.

Focus on cosmetic correction

As Six Month Smiles primarily addresses the front teeth, it may have a lower impact on overall bite alignment compared to comprehensive orthodontic treatments.

Managing Six Month Smiles discomfort

There are several ways to alleviate any discomfort associated with the treatment:

Over-the-counter pain relief

Paracetamol or ibuprofen can help manage any soreness, especially after adjustments.

Orthodontic wax application

Applying dental wax to any brackets or wires causing irritation can provide relief to sensitive oral tissues.

Long-term considerations for Six Month Smiles patients

It’s crucial to consider the long-term effects and maintenance required after completing Six Month Smiles treatment:

Retention requirements

Wearing retainers as prescribed by your orthodontist is essential to maintain the results and prevent teeth from shifting back to their original positions.

Regular dental check-ups

Continued visits to your dentist for professional cleanings and examinations are vital to monitor oral health and the stability of your new smile.

While Six Month Smiles offers a relatively quick and effective solution for mild to moderate orthodontic issues, it’s important to discuss all potential risks and benefits with your dentist. They can provide personalised advice based on your specific dental needs and help you make an informed decision about whether Six Month Smiles is the right treatment option for you.

What happens after I complete my Six Month Smiles treatment?

Removing Six Month Smiles braces

Upon completion of your Six Month Smiles treatment, your dentist will carefully remove the brackets and wires. This process is typically quick and painless, leaving you with a beautifully aligned smile.

Debonding procedure

Your dentist will use special orthodontic tools to gently detach the brackets from your teeth, ensuring no damage to your enamel.

Adhesive removal

Any remaining adhesive will be polished off, leaving your teeth smooth and clean.

Post-Six Month Smiles dental cleaning

After the braces are removed, your dentist will likely perform a thorough cleaning to remove any plaque or tartar that may have accumulated during treatment.

Professional scaling

A dental hygienist may use specialised instruments to remove hardened plaque from areas that were difficult to clean with braces.

Tooth polishing

Your teeth will be polished to restore their natural shine and smoothness.

Retention phase following Six Month Smiles

To maintain the results achieved with Six Month Smiles, you’ll enter a retention phase. This crucial step helps prevent your teeth from shifting back to their original positions.

Custom retainer fitting

Your dentist will take impressions of your newly aligned teeth to create custom-made retainers.

Retainer wear schedule

You’ll receive instructions on how often to wear your retainers, typically full-time initially, then gradually reducing to night-time wear only.

Monitoring Six Month Smiles results

Regular check-ups will be scheduled to ensure your teeth remain in their new positions and to address any concerns.

Follow-up appointments

Your dentist will assess the stability of your new smile and make any necessary adjustments to your retainers.

Long-term evaluation

Periodic visits will help maintain the longevity of your Six Month Smiles treatment results.

Post-Six Month Smiles oral hygiene routine

Maintaining excellent oral hygiene is crucial to preserve your new smile and overall dental health.

Enhanced brushing techniques

Your dentist may recommend specific brushing methods or tools to effectively clean around retainers and maintain oral health.

Interdental cleaning

Using floss or interdental brushes regularly will help prevent decay and gum disease in hard-to-reach areas.

Addressing tooth sensitivity after Six Month Smiles

Some patients may experience temporary sensitivity following orthodontic treatment. Your dentist can recommend solutions to alleviate any discomfort.

Desensitising toothpaste

Using a specially formulated toothpaste can help reduce sensitivity in the weeks following brace removal.

Fluoride treatments

Your dentist may apply professional-strength fluoride to strengthen enamel and reduce sensitivity.

Cosmetic considerations post-Six Month Smiles

With your newly aligned smile, you might consider additional cosmetic treatments to further enhance your appearance.

Teeth whitening options

Professional whitening treatments can brighten your smile, complementing the alignment achieved with Six Month Smiles.

Bonding or veneers

For any remaining aesthetic concerns, your dentist may suggest bonding or veneers to perfect your smile.

Completing your Six Month Smiles treatment marks the beginning of a new chapter in your dental journey. By following your dentist’s post-treatment instructions and maintaining good oral hygiene, you can enjoy your beautifully aligned smile for years to come. Remember, consistent wear of your retainers and regular dental check-ups are key to preserving the results of your Six Month Smiles treatment and ensuring long-term oral health.

Can Six Month Smiles correct all types of dental misalignment?

Six Month Smiles: Scope and limitations

Six Month Smiles is an innovative orthodontic treatment designed to address specific types of dental misalignment. While effective for many patients, it’s important to understand its capabilities and limitations.

Focus on anterior teeth

This treatment primarily targets the front teeth visible when smiling, making it ideal for cosmetic corrections.

Mild to moderate cases

Six Month Smiles is most effective for addressing mild to moderate misalignments rather than severe orthodontic issues.

Dental issues suitable for Six Month Smiles

Several common alignment problems can be effectively treated using this short-term orthodontic solution.

Crowding correction

Six Month Smiles can effectively address overcrowded front teeth, creating a more evenly spaced smile.

Gaps and spacing

The treatment is adept at closing small to moderate gaps between teeth, particularly in the anterior region.

Malocclusions and Six Month Smiles efficacy

Certain types of bite issues can be improved with Six Month Smiles, although severe cases may require alternative treatments.

Mild overbite correction

Slight overbites, where upper front teeth excessively overlap the lower teeth, can often be improved.

Open bite treatment

Some cases of open bite, where front teeth don’t meet when biting down, may be addressed with this method.

Limitations of Six Month Smiles treatment

While versatile, Six Month Smiles is not a universal solution for all orthodontic problems.

Complex bite issues

Severe malocclusions, such as significant underbites or crossbites, typically require more comprehensive orthodontic approaches.

Skeletal discrepancies

Six Month Smiles cannot correct underlying skeletal issues that may contribute to misalignment.

Comparing Six Month Smiles to traditional braces

Understanding the differences between Six Month Smiles and conventional orthodontics can help set realistic expectations.

Treatment duration

As the name suggests, Six Month Smiles offers a shorter treatment time compared to traditional braces, which often require 18-24 months.

Aesthetic focus

While traditional braces aim for comprehensive correction, Six Month Smiles prioritises cosmetic improvements to the visible smile.

Candidacy for Six Month Smiles

Determining whether you’re a suitable candidate for this treatment involves several factors.

Age considerations

Six Month Smiles is typically recommended for adults and older teenagers with fully developed dentition.

Oral health prerequisites

Patients should have good overall dental health, free from active decay or periodontal disease, before starting treatment.

Alternative options for complex cases

For patients with more severe misalignments, other orthodontic treatments may be more appropriate.

Comprehensive orthodontics

Traditional braces or clear aligner systems like Invisalign can address more complex dental and skeletal issues.

Orthognathic surgery

In cases of severe jaw misalignment, a combination of orthodontics and surgical intervention may be necessary.

Consultation process for Six Month Smiles

A thorough evaluation by a qualified dentist is essential to determine if Six Month Smiles is the right choice for your specific needs.

Diagnostic imaging

X-rays and 3D scans may be used to assess the extent of misalignment and underlying structures.

Treatment planning

Your dentist will create a personalised plan, outlining expected outcomes and any limitations of the Six Month Smiles approach for your case.

While Six Month Smiles offers an effective solution for many patients seeking to improve their smile, it’s not a one-size-fits-all treatment. For those with mild to moderate alignment issues primarily affecting the front teeth, it can provide impressive results in a relatively short time frame. However, more complex orthodontic problems may require alternative approaches. Consulting with a skilled dentist will help you determine the most appropriate treatment path to achieve your desired smile.

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