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Smile Perfections
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Smile Perfections

Smile Perfections Dental & Cosmetic Clinic

  • 34 Harborough Road
  • Leicester
  • LE2 4LA
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Imagine walking into the dental practice in need of major restorative work to get your smile back, and walking out a few hours later with a brand new, beautiful smile that you want to show off to the world. Sound too good to be true? The good news is, thanks to modern advances in dental technology, it can now be a reality, thanks to our same day smiles service.

Same Day Smiles® treatment can help patients with missing, damaged or broken teeth. Here are some of the options we offer:

Dental implants

Dental implants are small titanium screws placed directly in the jawbone, where they act as replacement tooth roots. There they integrate with the bone and support false teeth in the form of crowns, bridges or secured dentures, depending on your individual needs.

In some cases it is possible to fit implants and restorations in one day – sometimes even at the same time as you have decayed teeth removed. This is not suitable in every case, so please discuss it with your dentist first. However, if you are suitable for this treatment, the implants will be placed in your jaw with a minor surgical procedure and the restorations will be created with our CEREC machine while you wait and then attached to the implants, meaning you walk out of the practice with a brand new smile.

Crowns, veneers, inlays and onlays

Using our CEREC 3D machine, it is possible to create crowns, veneers, inlays, onlays and other restorations while you wait. The machine uses advanced scanning technology that does away with the need to take impressions of your teeth. The restorations are then designed on the computer and milled from a block of tooth-coloured ceramic, before being fixed to your tooth with a strong dental adhesive. On average, this takes just 1.5 hours, depending on the procedure you are having.

Composite bonding

Composite bonding, using the same material that is used to create white fillings, is a fast way to restore chipped, broken or worn teeth. The dentist will carefully match the colour of the composite material to the natural colour of your teeth, then will place it and shape it before using a UV light to harden the material, creating entirely natural-looking restorations.


SAME DAY SMILE LEICESTER – Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is a Same Day Smile treatment?

Definition of Same Day Smile

Same Day Smile, also known as “teeth in a day” or “immediate load implants”, is an advanced dental procedure that allows patients to receive a full set of functional, aesthetically pleasing teeth in just one day.

Immediate restoration

This revolutionary treatment combines dental implant surgery and the placement of a temporary prosthesis within a single appointment, dramatically reducing the traditional healing time associated with implant procedures.

The Same Day Smile process

The Same Day Smile treatment involves several key steps, all completed within a single day at the dental practice.

Comprehensive assessment

Prior to the procedure, patients undergo a thorough examination, including 3D imaging and digital smile design, to ensure optimal planning and results.

Implant placement

Strategic implants are surgically inserted into the jawbone, typically using minimally invasive techniques to reduce discomfort and promote faster healing.

Immediate prosthesis fitting

A temporary set of teeth is securely attached to the implants on the same day, allowing patients to leave the practice with a functional and natural-looking smile.

Benefits of Same Day Smile treatment

This innovative approach to dental restoration offers numerous advantages over traditional implant procedures.

Time-efficient solution

Patients can enjoy a dramatically improved smile in just one day, eliminating the need for multiple appointments and lengthy healing periods.

Improved quality of life

Same Day Smile allows for immediate restoration of oral function, enabling patients to eat, speak, and smile with confidence right away.

Candidacy for Same Day Smile

While many patients can benefit from this treatment, certain factors determine eligibility.

Suitable bone density

Adequate jawbone volume and density are crucial for successful implant placement and stability of the Same Day Smile prosthesis.

Good overall health

Patients should be in good general health and free from conditions that might impair healing or increase the risk of complications.

Long-term care and maintenance

To ensure the longevity of your Same Day Smile, proper aftercare is essential.

Regular check-ups

Routine dental visits are necessary to monitor the health of your implants and prosthesis, as well as to make any necessary adjustments.

Meticulous oral hygiene

Maintaining excellent oral hygiene is crucial for preserving the health of your new smile and preventing potential complications.

The Same Day Smile treatment represents a significant advancement in dental implantology, offering patients a rapid and effective solution for complete smile restoration. By combining cutting-edge technology with skilled dental expertise, this innovative procedure provides a life-changing experience for those seeking to transform their smile and regain their confidence in just one day.

How long does the Same Day Smile procedure take?

Overall duration of Same Day Smile treatment

The Same Day Smile procedure typically takes between 4 to 8 hours to complete in a single day, depending on the complexity of the case and the number of implants required. This revolutionary treatment allows patients to receive a full set of functional, aesthetically pleasing teeth in just one visit to the dental practice.

Customised treatment plans

Each Same Day Smile procedure is tailored to the individual patient’s needs, which can affect the total treatment time. Your dentist will provide a more accurate estimate during your initial consultation.

Pre-procedure preparation

Before the actual Same Day Smile treatment, patients undergo a comprehensive assessment and planning phase.

Diagnostic imaging

Advanced 3D scans and X-rays are taken to evaluate bone structure and plan implant placement, usually completed in a separate appointment lasting 30-60 minutes.

Treatment planning

Your dental team will spend several hours designing your new smile and creating a surgical guide for precise implant placement. This occurs behind the scenes and doesn’t require your presence.

Stages of the Same Day Smile procedure

The Same Day Smile treatment consists of several key stages, all performed on the same day.

Anaesthesia administration

Local anaesthesia or sedation is administered to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure, which typically takes 15-30 minutes.

Implant surgery

The placement of dental implants usually takes 1-3 hours, depending on the number of implants and complexity of the case.

Temporary prosthesis fitting

After implant placement, a temporary set of teeth is attached to the implants. This process generally takes 1-2 hours, including any necessary adjustments for fit and comfort.

Post-procedure care and follow-up

While the main Same Day Smile procedure is completed in one day, follow-up care is essential for long-term success.

Initial recovery period

Patients typically spend 30-60 minutes in the recovery area following the procedure, allowing the effects of anaesthesia to wear off and receiving post-operative instructions.

Subsequent appointments

Several short follow-up visits are scheduled over the next few months to monitor healing and make any necessary adjustments to your new smile.

Factors influencing Same Day Smile treatment duration

Several factors can affect the length of time required for your Same Day Smile procedure.

Case complexity

More complex cases, such as those requiring bone grafting or dealing with significant tooth loss, may take longer to complete.

Number of implants

The quantity of implants needed to support your new teeth can impact the overall treatment time, with full-arch restorations typically taking longer than partial reconstructions.

Long-term timeline for Same Day Smile

While you’ll leave the practice with a new smile in just one day, the complete Same Day Smile process extends beyond the initial procedure.

Osseointegration period

Over the next 3-6 months, your implants will fuse with your jawbone in a process called osseointegration, ensuring a stable foundation for your permanent teeth.

Final restoration

Once healing is complete, you’ll return to the practice to have your permanent, custom-made prosthesis fitted, typically taking 1-2 hours.

The Same Day Smile procedure offers a remarkably efficient solution for full smile restoration, with the primary treatment completed in just one day. However, it’s important to understand that the entire process, from initial consultation to final restoration, spans several months to ensure optimal results and long-term success. This innovative approach significantly reduces the overall treatment time compared to traditional implant procedures, allowing patients to enjoy their new smile sooner.

Is Same Day Smile suitable for everyone?

Suitability of Same Day Smile treatment

While Same Day Smile offers a revolutionary solution for many patients seeking full-arch dental restoration, it may not be suitable for everyone. A thorough assessment by a qualified dentist is essential to determine if you’re an ideal candidate for this innovative procedure.

Comprehensive evaluation

Your dentist will conduct a detailed examination, including 3D imaging and medical history review, to assess your eligibility for Same Day Smile treatment.

Ideal candidates for Same Day Smile

Certain factors make individuals particularly well-suited for this advanced dental implant procedure.

Extensive tooth loss

Patients missing most or all of their teeth in one or both arches are often excellent candidates for Same Day Smile, as it can efficiently restore a full set of functional teeth.

Adequate bone density

Sufficient jawbone volume and density are crucial for successful implant placement and long-term stability of the Same Day Smile prosthesis.

Health considerations for Same Day Smile candidates

Overall health plays a significant role in determining suitability for this treatment.

Good general health

Patients should be in good overall health, as certain medical conditions may affect healing and increase the risk of complications.

Healthy gums

Optimal gum health is essential for successful Same Day Smile treatment. Patients with active periodontal disease may require treatment before undergoing the procedure.

Lifestyle factors affecting Same Day Smile eligibility

Certain habits and lifestyle choices can impact the success of Same Day Smile treatment.

Non-smoking status

Non-smokers or those willing to quit are ideal candidates, as smoking can significantly impair healing and increase the risk of implant failure.

Commitment to oral hygiene

Patients must be willing to maintain excellent oral hygiene and attend regular follow-up appointments to ensure the longevity of their Same Day Smile.

Alternatives to Same Day Smile

For patients who may not be suitable candidates, there are alternative treatments available.

Traditional dental implants

Conventional implant procedures with longer healing periods may be more appropriate for patients with insufficient bone density or certain health conditions.

Bone grafting

Patients lacking adequate jawbone volume may benefit from bone grafting procedures to prepare for future implant placement.

Special considerations for Same Day Smile treatment

Some factors may require additional planning or treatment before proceeding with Same Day Smile.

Bruxism management

Patients with teeth grinding habits may need additional protection for their new Same Day Smile, such as a custom night guard.

Sinus lift procedure

Those with insufficient bone height in the upper jaw may require a sinus lift to create space for implant placement in the Same Day Smile treatment.

Consultation process for Same Day Smile

A thorough consultation is crucial to determine your suitability for this advanced dental procedure.

Personalised treatment planning

Your dentist will discuss your specific needs, expectations, and any potential challenges to create a tailored Same Day Smile treatment plan.

Alternative options

If Same Day Smile is not suitable, your dentist will explore other treatment options to help you achieve your desired smile and oral function.

While Same Day Smile offers a transformative solution for many patients seeking full-arch dental restoration, it’s not universally suitable. A comprehensive evaluation by a qualified dental professional is essential to determine if you’re an ideal candidate for this innovative procedure. For those who are suitable, Same Day Smile can provide a life-changing experience, offering a new, functional, and aesthetically pleasing smile in just one day. If you’re considering this treatment, schedule a consultation with a skilled implant dentist to discuss your individual case and explore the best options for your oral health needs.

What is the difference between Same Day Smile and traditional dental implants?

Treatment timeline for Same Day Smile vs traditional implants

One of the most significant differences between Same Day Smile and traditional dental implants lies in the treatment timeline and immediate results.

Rapid restoration with Same Day Smile

Same Day Smile allows patients to receive a full set of functional, aesthetically pleasing teeth in just one day, dramatically reducing the overall treatment time.

Phased approach of traditional implants

Traditional dental implant procedures typically involve multiple stages spread over several months, including implant placement, healing period, and final restoration fitting.

Immediate loading in Same Day Smile treatment

The Same Day Smile technique employs an innovative approach to implant loading, setting it apart from conventional methods.

Instant prosthesis attachment

With Same Day Smile, a temporary prosthesis is immediately secured to the implants on the day of surgery, allowing patients to leave the practice with a functional smile.

Delayed loading in traditional implants

Traditional implant procedures usually require a healing period of 3-6 months before attaching the final restoration, during which patients may wear temporary dentures.

Number of surgical procedures

The surgical approach differs significantly between Same Day Smile and traditional dental implant treatments.

Single-stage surgery for Same Day Smile

Same Day Smile typically involves a single surgical procedure, combining implant placement and prosthesis attachment in one visit.

Multiple surgeries in traditional implantology

Traditional implant treatments often require separate surgeries for implant placement, uncovering the implants, and attaching abutments, resulting in more appointments and recovery periods.

Bone grafting requirements

The need for bone augmentation procedures can vary between the two treatment options.

Minimised grafting with Same Day Smile

Same Day Smile often utilises strategic implant placement and angled implants to maximise existing bone, potentially reducing or eliminating the need for extensive bone grafting.

Frequent grafting in traditional implants

Traditional implant procedures may more commonly require bone grafting to ensure adequate bone volume, especially in cases of long-term tooth loss or significant bone resorption.

Patient comfort and convenience

The patient experience differs notably between Same Day Smile and traditional implant treatments.

Reduced appointments with Same Day Smile

Same Day Smile typically requires fewer dental visits, minimising disruption to patients’ daily lives and potentially reducing overall treatment costs.

Extended treatment process for traditional implants

Traditional implant procedures often involve multiple appointments over several months, which may be less convenient for patients with busy schedules.

Aesthetic considerations

The aesthetic outcomes and timeline for achieving the desired look vary between the two approaches.

Immediate aesthetic improvement with Same Day Smile

Patients undergoing Same Day Smile treatment experience an instant transformation in their smile aesthetics, boosting confidence from day one.

Gradual aesthetic progression in traditional implants

With traditional implants, patients may need to wear temporary prosthetics during the healing phase, with the final aesthetic result achieved only after several months.

Candidacy and suitability

Not all patients are suitable candidates for both treatment options, and eligibility criteria may differ.

Specific requirements for Same Day Smile

Same Day Smile typically requires adequate bone density and volume to support immediate loading, and patients must be in good overall health.

Broader applicability of traditional implants

Traditional implant procedures may be suitable for a wider range of patients, including those with less ideal bone conditions or certain health considerations.

Long-term outcomes and success rates

While both treatments aim for long-lasting results, there are some differences in their long-term performance.

Evolving research on Same Day Smile

Same Day Smile is a relatively newer technique, with ongoing studies evaluating its long-term success rates compared to traditional methods.

Established track record of traditional implants

Traditional dental implants have a well-documented history of success and longevity, with decades of clinical research supporting their efficacy.

Both Same Day Smile and traditional dental implant treatments offer effective solutions for tooth replacement, each with its own set of advantages. Same Day Smile provides rapid results and immediate aesthetic improvement, while traditional implants may be more suitable for complex cases or patients requiring extensive bone grafting. The choice between these options depends on individual patient factors, including oral health status, bone quality, and personal preferences. A thorough consultation with a qualified implant dentist is essential to determine the most appropriate treatment path for achieving a healthy, functional, and beautiful smile.

How long do Same Day Smile restorations typically last?

Expected lifespan of Same Day Smile restorations

Same Day Smile restorations are designed to be a long-lasting solution for full-arch tooth replacement. With proper care and maintenance, these restorations can last for many years, potentially even a lifetime.

Longevity of dental implants

The titanium implants used in Same Day Smile treatments can last 20-30 years or more, serving as a permanent foundation for the prosthetic teeth.

Prosthesis durability

The actual prosthetic teeth attached to the implants typically have a lifespan of 10-15 years, though this can vary based on several factors.

Factors influencing Same Day Smile longevity

Several key elements contribute to the durability and lifespan of Same Day Smile restorations.

Oral hygiene practices

Maintaining excellent oral hygiene through regular brushing, flossing, and use of interdental cleaners is crucial for preserving the health of both the implants and surrounding tissues.

Regular dental check-ups

Attending scheduled follow-up appointments allows your dentist to monitor the condition of your Same Day Smile restoration and address any potential issues early.

Impact of lifestyle on Same Day Smile durability

Personal habits and lifestyle choices can significantly affect the longevity of your Same Day Smile restoration.

Smoking cessation

Avoiding tobacco use is essential, as smoking can compromise implant integration and overall oral health, potentially reducing the lifespan of your Same Day Smile.

Dietary considerations

While Same Day Smile restorations are strong, avoiding excessive consumption of very hard or sticky foods can help prevent unnecessary wear or damage to the prosthetic teeth.

Maintenance requirements for Same Day Smile

Proper care is essential to maximise the lifespan of your Same Day Smile restoration.

Professional cleaning

Regular professional cleanings, typically every 3-6 months, help maintain the health of your implants and surrounding tissues, contributing to the longevity of your restoration.

Home care routine

Developing a consistent at-home oral care routine, including the use of specialised tools like water flossers or interdental brushes, is crucial for long-term success.

Comparing Same Day Smile longevity to traditional options

Same Day Smile restorations often offer comparable or superior longevity to traditional tooth replacement methods.

Advantage over conventional dentures

Unlike traditional removable dentures that may need replacement every 5-7 years, Same Day Smile restorations can last significantly longer due to their implant-supported nature.

Similarity to individual implants

The longevity of Same Day Smile restorations is comparable to that of individual dental implants, offering a reliable long-term solution for full-arch rehabilitation.

Signs of wear in Same Day Smile restorations

Being aware of potential signs of wear can help you seek timely intervention and extend the life of your restoration.

Prosthetic tooth wear

Gradual wearing of the prosthetic teeth is normal over time, but excessive wear may indicate the need for adjustment or replacement of the prosthesis.

Gum recession

Changes in gum levels around the implants should be monitored, as they can affect both aesthetics and the health of the underlying implants.

Replacement and repair of Same Day Smile components

While Same Day Smile restorations are durable, individual components may occasionally need attention.

Prosthesis replacement

The prosthetic teeth may need replacement after 10-15 years due to normal wear and tear, while the underlying implants often remain intact.

Minor repairs

Small chips or cracks in the prosthetic teeth can often be repaired chairside, extending the overall lifespan of the restoration.

Same Day Smile restorations offer a long-lasting solution for full-arch tooth replacement, with the potential to provide decades of improved oral function and aesthetics. The longevity of these restorations depends on a combination of factors, including proper care, regular maintenance, and lifestyle choices. By following your dentist’s recommendations and maintaining good oral hygiene practices, you can help ensure that your Same Day Smile continues to provide a beautiful, functional smile for many years to come. Remember that while the prosthetic teeth may require occasional replacement or repair, the underlying implants can often last a lifetime, making Same Day Smile a valuable investment in your long-term oral health and well-being.

Will I experience pain during or after the Same Day Smile procedure?

Pain management during Same Day Smile treatment

During the Same Day Smile procedure, your comfort is a top priority. Advanced pain management techniques are employed to ensure a virtually pain-free experience.

Local anaesthesia

Your dental team will administer local anaesthesia to numb the treatment area completely, ensuring you feel no pain during the implant placement and prosthesis fitting.

Sedation options

For patients with dental anxiety or those undergoing more extensive Same Day Smile treatments, sedation dentistry options may be available to promote relaxation and comfort throughout the procedure.

Immediate post-procedure sensations

Immediately after your Same Day Smile treatment, you may experience some sensations as the anaesthesia wears off.

Numbness dissipation

As the local anaesthetic effects fade, you might feel a tingling or slight discomfort in the treated area, which is entirely normal and temporary.

Pressure awareness

Some patients report feeling pressure or a sense of fullness in their jaw, which is often due to the new prosthesis rather than pain from the procedure itself.

Managing discomfort after Same Day Smile

While the Same Day Smile procedure is designed to minimise post-operative pain, some level of discomfort is normal during the initial healing phase.

Over-the-counter pain relief

Your dentist may recommend taking over-the-counter pain medications such as paracetamol or ibuprofen to manage any mild discomfort in the days following your procedure.

Cold compress application

Applying a cold compress to the outside of your cheek near the treated area can help reduce swelling and alleviate any soreness you may experience.

Expected timeline for Same Day Smile recovery

Understanding the typical recovery timeline can help you prepare for what to expect after your Same Day Smile treatment.

Initial healing period

Most patients report that any discomfort is most noticeable in the first 24-48 hours after the procedure and gradually subsides over the following days.

Return to normal activities

Many individuals can return to their regular daily activities within a few days of their Same Day Smile treatment, though your dentist will provide specific guidance based on your case.

Factors influencing post-Same Day Smile comfort

Several factors can affect the level of discomfort you may experience after your Same Day Smile procedure.

Individual pain tolerance

Your personal threshold for pain can influence how you perceive discomfort during the recovery process.

Extent of treatment

Patients undergoing full-arch Same Day Smile restorations may experience more discomfort than those having partial reconstructions due to the more extensive nature of the procedure.

Strategies for minimising Same Day Smile discomfort

There are several steps you can take to enhance your comfort during the recovery period.

Soft food diet

Adhering to a soft food diet in the days following your Same Day Smile treatment can help reduce stress on the implant sites and minimise discomfort while eating.

Proper oral hygiene

Following your dentist’s instructions for gentle but thorough oral hygiene practices can help prevent infection and promote healing, ultimately reducing discomfort.

When to seek help for Same Day Smile pain

While some discomfort is normal, it’s important to know when to contact your dental team for additional support.

Persistent or severe pain

If you experience intense pain that doesn’t subside with prescribed pain management techniques or lasts longer than expected, contact your dentist for guidance.

Signs of infection

Symptoms such as fever, excessive swelling, or pus around the implant sites may indicate an infection and require prompt attention from your dental professional.

The Same Day Smile procedure is designed to be as comfortable as possible, with most patients reporting minimal pain during and after treatment. While some level of discomfort is normal during the initial healing phase, it is typically manageable with over-the-counter pain relief and proper aftercare. Your dental team will provide you with detailed instructions and support to ensure a smooth recovery process. Remember that everyone’s experience is unique, and your dentist is always available to address any concerns you may have about pain or discomfort following your Same Day Smile treatment.

How should I care for my new Same Day Smile?

Immediate post-procedure care for Same Day Smile

Proper care in the days following your Same Day Smile procedure is crucial for ensuring optimal healing and long-term success of your new smile.

Gentle oral hygiene

During the first few days, clean your new teeth and gums very gently using a soft-bristled toothbrush and lukewarm water, avoiding the surgical sites directly.

Saltwater rinses

Rinse your mouth with warm salt water (1/2 teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water) 2-3 times daily to promote healing and reduce inflammation.

Long-term Same Day Smile maintenance

Establishing a consistent oral care routine is essential for maintaining the health and appearance of your Same Day Smile restoration.

Daily brushing technique

Brush your Same Day Smile prosthesis and surrounding gums twice daily using a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste, paying special attention to the gum line.

Interdental cleaning

Use interdental brushes, floss threaders, or water flossers daily to clean between and around your implant-supported teeth, as recommended by your dentist.

Professional care for Same Day Smile longevity

Regular dental check-ups and professional cleanings are vital for maintaining your Same Day Smile and overall oral health.

Routine dental visits

Schedule and attend regular dental check-ups, typically every 3-6 months, to allow your dentist to monitor the condition of your Same Day Smile and address any potential issues early.

Professional cleaning sessions

Undergo professional cleaning as recommended by your dentist, usually every 3-4 months, to remove plaque and tartar buildup around your implants and prosthesis.

Dietary considerations for Same Day Smile care

While your Same Day Smile restoration is strong and durable, certain dietary habits can help preserve its longevity and appearance.

Gradual food introduction

In the weeks following your procedure, gradually reintroduce harder foods into your diet as advised by your dentist to allow proper healing and integration of the implants.

Avoiding damaging habits

Refrain from chewing on hard objects like ice or pens, and avoid using your teeth as tools to open packages or bite fingernails, which can damage your Same Day Smile prosthesis.

Lifestyle adjustments for optimal Same Day Smile health

Certain lifestyle choices can significantly impact the longevity and success of your Same Day Smile restoration.

Smoking cessation

If you smoke, consider quitting or significantly reducing your tobacco use, as smoking can impair healing and increase the risk of implant failure.

Limiting staining substances

Minimise consumption of staining foods and beverages like coffee, tea, and red wine to maintain the bright appearance of your Same Day Smile prosthesis.

Addressing potential Same Day Smile complications

Being aware of potential issues and knowing when to seek professional help is crucial for maintaining your Same Day Smile.

Recognising abnormal symptoms

Contact your dentist immediately if you experience persistent pain, swelling, bleeding, or looseness of your prosthesis, as these may indicate complications requiring prompt attention.

Handling minor repairs

If you notice any chips, cracks, or other minor damage to your Same Day Smile prosthesis, schedule an appointment with your dentist for assessment and repair to prevent further complications.

Same Day Smile nighttime care

Proper care of your Same Day Smile during sleep is essential for protecting your investment and ensuring oral health.

Nightguard consideration

If you grind or clench your teeth at night, discuss the possibility of using a custom-made nightguard with your dentist to protect your Same Day Smile from excessive wear.

Evening cleaning routine

Establish a thorough evening cleaning routine for your Same Day Smile, including brushing, interdental cleaning, and rinsing, to remove accumulated debris and promote oral health while you sleep.

Caring for your new Same Day Smile involves a combination of daily home care, professional maintenance, and lifestyle considerations. By following these guidelines and working closely with your dental team, you can help ensure the longevity and success of your Same Day Smile restoration. Remember that your dentist is your best resource for personalised care instructions and addressing any concerns you may have about maintaining your new smile. With proper care and attention, your Same Day Smile can provide you with years of comfortable function and confident smiling.

Can I eat normally immediately after getting a Same Day Smile?

Initial dietary precautions for Same Day Smile patients

After receiving a Same Day Smile treatment, it’s crucial to follow specific dietary guidelines to ensure proper healing and integration of your new dental implants. While you can eat shortly after the procedure, certain restrictions apply.

Soft food diet

For the first 24-48 hours post-treatment, stick to a soft food diet to avoid putting excessive pressure on your new implants and surrounding tissues.

Temperature considerations

Consume lukewarm foods and beverages, avoiding extremely hot or cold items that may cause discomfort or sensitivity in the treated areas.

Gradual transition to normal eating with Same Day Smile

As your mouth begins to heal, you can slowly reintroduce a wider variety of foods into your diet. However, this process should be undertaken with care and patience.

Progressive food consistency

Gradually incorporate foods with increasing texture and firmness over the following weeks, as advised by your dentist.

Chewing techniques

When you start eating more solid foods, chew carefully and avoid biting directly on the Same Day Smile implants until they have fully integrated with your jawbone.

Foods to avoid after Same Day Smile procedure

To protect your new implants and ensure optimal healing, certain foods should be avoided in the initial weeks following your Same Day Smile treatment.

Hard and crunchy items

Steer clear of foods like nuts, crisps, and raw vegetables that could damage your new dental work or irritate healing tissues.

Sticky substances

Avoid chewing gum, toffees, and other sticky foods that might dislodge temporary crowns or put undue stress on your implants.

Oral hygiene and Same Day Smile aftercare

Maintaining excellent oral hygiene is paramount to the success of your Same Day Smile treatment and can influence how quickly you can return to normal eating habits.

Gentle brushing techniques

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and gentle, circular motions to clean around your implants and gum line, being careful not to disturb healing tissues.

Saltwater rinses

Implement saltwater rinses as recommended by your dentist to promote healing and reduce the risk of infection, which could delay your return to normal eating.

Long-term dietary considerations for Same Day Smile patients

Once your implants have fully integrated and your permanent crowns are in place, you can typically enjoy a normal diet. However, some long-term considerations remain important for maintaining your Same Day Smile.

Balanced nutrition

Consume a well-balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D to support bone health and maintain the strength of your jaw around the implants.

Moderation with sugary foods

Limit intake of sugary and acidic foods and drinks to prevent decay of natural teeth and maintain the aesthetics of your Same Day Smile restoration.

Your dentist will provide personalised advice based on your specific case and healing progress. Always follow their recommendations to ensure the longevity and success of your Same Day Smile treatment. With proper care and attention to your diet, you’ll soon be able to enjoy your favourite foods with confidence and comfort.

How natural will my Same Day Smile look?

Aesthetic qualities of Same Day Smile restorations

Same Day Smile treatments are designed to provide a natural-looking, aesthetically pleasing result that seamlessly blends with your existing teeth. The appearance of your new smile is influenced by several key factors.

Customised shade matching

Your dentist will carefully select the colour of your Same Day Smile prosthetics to match your natural teeth, ensuring a harmonious and uniform appearance.

Contour and shape

The artificial teeth are crafted to mimic the shape and contours of natural teeth, taking into account your facial features and existing dental anatomy.

Advanced materials in Same Day Smile technology

The materials used in Same Day Smile treatments have evolved significantly, contributing to their natural appearance and durability.

High-quality ceramics

Modern ceramic materials used in Same Day Smile restorations closely resemble the translucency and light-reflecting properties of natural tooth enamel.

Zirconia options

For patients requiring additional strength, zirconia-based Same Day Smile restorations offer both durability and a natural appearance, particularly for posterior teeth.

Personalisation of Same Day Smile treatments

Each Same Day Smile procedure is tailored to the individual patient, ensuring the most natural-looking outcome possible.

Digital smile design

Advanced software allows dentists to create a virtual preview of your Same Day Smile, enabling adjustments and refinements before the final restoration is fabricated.

Gum contouring

Your dentist may incorporate gum contouring techniques to enhance the overall aesthetics of your Same Day Smile, ensuring a natural-looking gum line.

Immediate results with Same Day Smile

One of the key advantages of Same Day Smile treatments is the ability to achieve a natural-looking result in a single day.

Provisional restorations

The immediate prosthetics placed on the day of treatment are designed to look natural, allowing you to leave the dental practice with a functional and aesthetically pleasing smile.

Fine-tuning opportunities

While your Same Day Smile will look natural immediately, there may be opportunities for minor adjustments during follow-up appointments to perfect the appearance.

Long-term aesthetics of Same Day Smile

The natural appearance of your Same Day Smile is designed to last, but certain factors can influence its long-term aesthetics.

Proper oral hygiene

Maintaining excellent oral hygiene habits is crucial for preserving the natural look of your Same Day Smile and preventing discolouration or staining.

Regular dental check-ups

Scheduling routine appointments with your dentist allows for professional cleaning and assessment of your Same Day Smile, ensuring it continues to look its best.

Patient satisfaction with Same Day Smile aesthetics

The natural appearance of Same Day Smile restorations often leads to high levels of patient satisfaction.

Confidence boost

Many patients report increased self-esteem and confidence in social and professional settings due to the natural-looking results of their Same Day Smile treatment.

Functionality meets aesthetics

The combination of improved oral function and a natural appearance contributes to overall patient satisfaction with Same Day Smile procedures.

Your Same Day Smile is crafted to look as natural as possible, utilising advanced materials and techniques to create a seamless blend with your existing teeth. With proper care and maintenance, you can enjoy a beautiful, natural-looking smile for years to come. Remember to discuss any specific aesthetic concerns or preferences with your dentist during your consultation to ensure the best possible outcome for your unique case.

What is the average cost of a Same Day Smile treatment in the UK?

Cost range for Same Day Smile procedures

The cost of a Same Day Smile treatment in the UK can vary significantly depending on several factors. On average, patients can expect to pay between £8,000 and £25,000 for a full-arch Same Day Smile procedure.

Single-tooth replacement

For individual tooth replacement using the Same Day Smile technique, costs typically range from £2,000 to £4,000 per tooth.

Full-arch restoration

Complete upper or lower jaw restorations using the Same Day Smile method generally fall within the £15,000 to £25,000 range per arch.

Factors influencing Same Day Smile pricing

Several elements contribute to the overall cost of a Same Day Smile treatment, causing variations in pricing across different dental practices and patient cases.

Number of implants

The quantity of dental implants required for your Same Day Smile procedure significantly impacts the total cost, with more implants generally resulting in a higher price.

Material selection

The choice of materials for your Same Day Smile prosthetics, such as high-grade ceramics or zirconia, can affect the overall treatment cost.

Additional procedures in Same Day Smile treatment

Some patients may require supplementary treatments as part of their Same Day Smile procedure, which can influence the final cost.

Bone grafting

If you lack sufficient bone density to support the implants, bone grafting may be necessary, adding to the total expense of your Same Day Smile treatment.

Sinus lift

Upper jaw implants sometimes require a sinus lift procedure, which can increase the overall cost of your Same Day Smile restoration.

Geographical variations in Same Day Smile pricing

The cost of Same Day Smile treatments can differ based on your location within the UK.

London premium

Dental practices in London and the surrounding areas often charge higher fees for Same Day Smile procedures due to increased operational costs.

Regional differences

Prices for Same Day Smile treatments may be lower in other parts of the UK, particularly in smaller cities or rural areas.

Expertise and technology in Same Day Smile costs

The experience of your dentist and the technology used in your Same Day Smile procedure can impact the overall price.

Specialist qualifications

Highly qualified and experienced implantologists may charge more for their expertise in performing Same Day Smile treatments.

Advanced imaging techniques

The use of cutting-edge 3D imaging and computer-guided implant placement technology in Same Day Smile procedures can influence the cost.

Financing options for Same Day Smile treatments

Many dental practices offer various payment plans to help make Same Day Smile procedures more accessible to patients.

Monthly instalments

Some clinics provide the option to spread the cost of your Same Day Smile treatment over several months or years through fixed monthly payments.

Interest-free periods

Certain financing arrangements may include interest-free periods, allowing you to pay for your Same Day Smile procedure without incurring additional charges for a set time.

Long-term value of Same Day Smile investments

While the initial cost of a Same Day Smile treatment may seem high, it’s essential to consider the long-term benefits and potential savings.

Durability factor

Same Day Smile restorations are designed to be long-lasting, potentially reducing the need for future dental work and associated costs.

Quality of life improvements

The enhanced functionality and aesthetics provided by Same Day Smile treatments can lead to improved overall well-being, which many patients find invaluable.

To get an accurate estimate for your specific Same Day Smile treatment, it’s best to schedule a consultation with a qualified dentist. They can assess your individual needs and provide a detailed breakdown of costs based on your unique case. Remember that while price is an important consideration, the quality of care and the expertise of your dental team should be paramount when choosing a provider for your Same Day Smile procedure.

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